HLF – Day 1

Poster Flash Training, 29 young researchers will present posters, and we will have a flash presentation to the whole HLF. Each one of us will have 2 minutes to talk. A very big challenge. In the training, we discussed what was important in the presentation, what we should do and what we should not do. We were split in two groups and then we started rehearsing, and from 14 on our group just three were able to be inside the 2 minutes’ time… I was not one of them. I received a lot of good feedback and I will have to work a little bit more on my presentation and on my speech.



Opening ceremony – the opening ceremony was amazing, the laureates entered the room with the sound of “Balanced Action” performance, a quartet of saxophone women. I was amazing; showing them the respect and relevance they have. During the ceremony, it was announced that the HLF forum that was created to exist and happen during 5 years, had so good results, and support that was decided to continue it for more years to come. A very good news.



Then we have a short talk from Kurt Mehlhorn (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Mehlhorn) entitled “Algorithms meets SE” – certifying algorithms. I never taught that somehow algorithms could be so near and connected with algorithms in the way Mehlhorn proposes. It was a great talk.

Some of the slides:

Kurt Mehlhorn

Then we follow the song from the “Balanced Action” group to go to the opening reception that happened at the “Marstall Cafeteria” (that was a stall in the past – something to do with horses and nowadays, it is the student Mensa, cafeteria). The reception was amazing, the food was spectacular and so many things to choose… There is no diet that can survive this.